Angel Whispers – Managing the Fields

I recently noticed a pattern emerging with some common messages in the form of whispers from the angels. There seemed to be a lot of chatter around individual energy fields and how to best manage those. Perhaps I should rename this newsletter Angel Chatter (tee tee)! This sparked my curiosity, and the research genes inside me became electrified.

Bioelectromagnetics is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities. This field of study looks at such things as bioluminescent bacteria, nerves, and action potential. In physiology, an action potential is a short-lasting event in which the electrical membrane potential of a cell rapidly rises and falls, following a consistent trajectory. In other words, every cell in our body is subject to external stimulation that can affect behavior.

From the metaphysical standpoint, vibrations can affect our energy fields at a cellular level to create a reaction. If that reaction is uncharacteristic of our true self, the action event we experienced has potentially created an imbalance with our aura or energy channels. Everyone can benefit from a practice that helps keep their magnetic energy fields in healthy balance. Let’s create an action event with the angelic realm for a whisper on managing your energy field:

Every individual possesses their own unique vibrational energy field. Some are large, some are sensitive, some hold more strength, and some have more purity. The Universe offers a unique structure where every person is a partial system of the complete system of energy. Each individual is like a thread woven with others to create the fabric of life. Individual energy holds a texture, a color, and a feel that is unique to the entire tapestry. 

External elements can react with an individual’s biological field to create a form of tension, as energies oscillating with different frequencies collide. The effect of an individual experiencing an external energy that compromises their the magnetic field, is a shift that can reach cellular levels. The reaction can vary, from an emotional response to an imbalance.

Humans’ nature is to experience life events as a way to measure growth, ultimately leading to the highest potential to raise spiritual vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrations, the better the conditions exist for behaviors to match and align with core values, principles, purpose, destiny, and free will. Core vibration matched with individual actions equals flow of energy. Each person must take inventory of their energy to be the authority who takes appropriate actions needed to manage their biological energy fields.    

Managing your energy is one of the keys to successfully creating a peace-filled existence that offers the highest potential for ascension. Exercise and movement balance the energy field by discharging tension. Breath and meditation balance brain frequencies and open the door to the heart. Creative collaboration builds balance through trust, creating a healthy relationship with yourself and others. The correct diet for your body type keeps the body, mind, and spirit light, pure, and happy. Honest expressions unburden the soul. Passion leads to experiencing love. Rest restores the life-force energy within. To live up to your highest potential and experience a life without regrets, learn to manage your unique energy field.    

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“During the time of stress, the “fight-or-flight” response is on and the self-repair mechanism is disabled. It is then when we say that the immunity of the body goes down and the body is exposed to the risk for disease. Meditation activates relaxation, when the sympathetic nervous system is turned off and the parasympathetic nervous system is turned on, and natural healing starts.”      Annie Wilson 

 Angel Whispers – Managing the Fields