Angel Whispers – Future Lives

A growing number of our population believes they have experienced a past life. The subject comes up often in my practice and offers an opportunity for energy balancing around a personality trait, a deep fear, a negative pattern, or a behavior that seems misaligned with the client’s core values. The impressions I receive around this mysterious subject of past lives reveals in the form of a brief movie playing in my mind’s eye.

Over the holiday weekend, I had a dream involving feelings of living in a future life. In the dream, I was having memories of my previous (current) lifetime. If the dream included details of an actual future existence, we might expect high-rise living, medical technology at our fingertips, crowded living conditions, and state-sponsored humanism (tee hee). It seemed as if I was ‘placed’ in a small apartment with a total stranger who was ordered to share their space with me. I was working for the government in some capacity as a military contractor, but there was no war.

One thing that I witness often is a person telling me they hope this is their last lifetime. Some clients want the angels to tell them how to ensure this will be their last lifetime. This is not the case with me! I want to come back and do it again (lol). Let’s get a whisper on the subject of future lives:

The soul contains fragments of consciousness energy, some charged with aspects of personalities from past and future lives. Artifacts of time suspended in vibrations can become activated by an experience that contains magnetic appeal toward a person or circumstance. The result is the fulfillment of expanded consciousness through a pre-determined agreement held at the soul level as part of an overall template designed for your present incarnation.

Any deviation from the linear flow of life-force energy in a time/space continuum can allow a person to remotely view another lifetime. Alignment with the vibrations held in another lifetime can be challenging in a way that distorts higher levels of discernment with regard to consciousness. The only benefit to having any focus on other lifetimes would be found in the gleaning of helpful information as it relates to the present incarnation. 

Energy balancing with regard to other lifetimes can allow a personality fragment to integrate with the human energy body as part of a return to sovereignty. The people and the story involved with other incarnations are unimportant. The fulfillment of balanced energy through coherent understanding is the beneficial aspect and should remain the sole motivation when seeking such information.

This aspect of the human journey offers the highest potential for illusions. It is rare that you will ever incarnate with the same souls whom which you have shared other lifetimes. The people surrounding you in your present incarnation may simply be characters assuming similar roles from those with whom you have shared your previous or future incarnations. Energy balancing occurs, in part, through the mental access to understanding, knowledge and wisdom.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Will history remember us, I wonder? I do hope so – to imagine that one might do something, touch an event somehow, & thereby transcend the bounds of a single human lifetime!”  ― Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

 Angel Whispers – Future Lives