Angel Whispers –  The Law of Honesty

We all live under certain Universal Laws that govern the human experience of birth and rebirth. I have been guided to explore these laws in the form of angel whispers. It seems rather appropriate that this is my 500th angel whisper. Wow, what a ride! (tee tee) I never dreamed that the weekly practice of channeling would last this long and become a consistent staple in my life. Talk about exploring the Law of Honesty!

Merriam-Webster gives synonyms for honesty as honor, integrity, or probity, which mean uprightness of character or action. Honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way. Honor suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of one's profession, calling, or position. Integrity implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge.

Let’s get a whisper from the angels on the Law of Honesty:

The Law of Honesty could be referred to as the Law of Authenticity. In order to be honest in all expressions, whether internal or external, one must first and foremost be honest with themselves. Dishonest people are those who are caught in their own trap. They cannot take full responsibility for their shortcomings, so they hide under the veil of personal authority and self-righteousness. In many cases they truly believe their own lies, for they have no choice. Facing the truth would be taking full responsibility, leading to the death of the persona that was created by living their story.

Everyone makes mistakes as a way to learn about themselves and experience growth through the lessons that come with the experience. Everyone holds secrets, which can be both healthy and detrimental. Healthy expressions of honesty come with confession. Confessing in a relationship, especially the relationship with one’s self, leads to greater levels of authenticity. Even when someone believes they are living in truth, they can be living out the perceived story of their life. The story can be hiding the truth and supporting living separate from the Higher Will. The story being lived can lead to enlightenment, but only if there is a willingness to know and understand the truth enough to create positive change.

Living in alignment with the Higher Will illuminates the Law of Honesty, supporting a greater ability to make certain choices. The journey of the soul is one that travels through darkness and light, learning through the experiences found within the extremes. There is no good or bad, only a perception of the ego mind that identifies as being one or the other. The challenge is to be at one with every aspect of life, and seeing one’s existence through the lens of love. An expanded viewpoint comes from seeing life from the elevated position occupied by the Higher Self, where the connection to Creation is felt, heard, and seen under the Law of Honesty. 

One’s physical body is the greatest barometer of truth. Anxiety, depression, confusion, low sexual drive, digestive issues, anger, and fatigue can mean that the truth is being withheld, either from yourself or from someone else. Notice the messages from the body, for it will always find alignment with the Higher Will and the Law of Honesty.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?”   Sam Harris

 Angel Whispers –  The Law of Honesty