Angel Whispers –  Releasing Anger

Thanks, Jen, for the nudge to follow up on a whisper with a whisper (tee tee). Jen asked if we could get more information on releasing anger. Anger is an energy that we can choose to hold, suppress, or release. I have found myself suggesting the purchase of a punching bag for the sweetest people! Even the most spiritual person can create a bypass by refusing to deal with their anger.        

The emotion of anger has been identified by experts as one of the most harmful of all the lower emotions. Release means to let go. Internalizing or suppressing anger cannot be healthy, but are rants on Facebook really effective in letting off steam (tee hee)? Perhaps, but maybe that’s not the only healthy form of release. Our culture is moving toward less personal interaction, so texting and writing about anger may be an effective form of release. I sometimes express my anger through writing, then destroy the document as a form of release.

I know myself well enough to share that I can feel just as uncomfortable with passive-aggressive behavior as with someone directly expressing their anger. But there must be ways to release anger that are healthy for all concerned. Let’s get a whisper on the ways to release anger, by tuning into the non-physical realm of angels:

It is never wrong to feel anger, so the focus should always be on how to create healthy forms of expressing and releasing the energy. Anger being held in the body is usually experienced as tension taking the form of anxiety. The energy of anger can feel dark, and many people who are working with their spirituality think that they can avoid anger by staying in the light. This is merely a bypass of the emotional truth within. Do not see anger as good or bad, but instead view it as an opportunity to discover a truth. Allow your imagination to explore the energy of anger with enough emotional intelligence to bring clarity around the experience. Then channel the energy into a creative force that stimulates the mind to take action toward solutions, strategies, and resolution. Energy found in the shadow-self can be extremely creative.

Anger is a form of emotional energy that can be constructive or destructive; it can illuminate the path or create darkness within. Exercise will always serve to release anger. Body movement helps balance the flow of chi linked to anger. Meditation used to discover the true source of the anger can bring an awareness that leads to balance with regard to an unhealthy response. Once the energy has been assessed and identified, the release becomes more easily managed.

Use affirmations like “I choose love by releasing anger, and accept myself and others for their expressions,” or “I lovingly release the past by accepting the blessings in every experience.” Creating your own methods – like breathing and counting to fifteen prior to responding to anything that sparks anger – can be an effective tool to manage the energy. Engaging in a release ceremony is a method used to face the anger, acknowledge it, then let it go in a reverent act of setting free any emotion that has been experienced and no longer serves a purpose.

Anger energy can move toward love or manifest into hatred, so be kind with your thoughts. Experiencing human emotions on any level can lead to enlightenment.  

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way- that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.” 
― Aristotle

 Angel Whispers –  Releasing Anger