Angel Whispers –  Soul Contract

The subject of soul contract comes up frequently in my work. defines the soul as the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part. Contract means to enter an agreement. To enter an agreement within the context of the soul can cover agreements with the self, institutions, governments, another person, or any type of entity.

In my years of experience, soul contracts occur frequently and under a variety of circumstances. Since the soul is disconnected from the analytical mind holding subconscious information, these agreements are often beneath the radar. The eternal aspect of the soul allows for contracts to cross all time and space. Many people took religious vows of poverty in another lifetime, and as a result, may struggle with money or being paid for acts of service. A part of them is honoring an agreement that they may be completely unaware of.

We also make agreements under our breath, like following a divorce when we mutter the words “I will never ever get married again.” Ten years later you might be wondering why you haven’t remarried. The analogy of a soul contract is that you agreed to make payments on a car, and continued to make payments beyond the completion of the contract. Let’s get a whisper on soul contracts from the hidden realms where angels exist:

Soul contracts are agreements that go beyond the surface where conscious thoughts are experienced, and penetrate the Divine Providence of the soul. In other words, that part of the human energy that is connected to the divine is the area that holds most agreements. The contract gives a sense to the value created when giving one’s word. Breaking commitments is connected to a great deal of suffering on the Earth today, as it represents a violation of intent.

Abandonment, anger, mistrust, resentment, sadness, loss of love, and betrayal are just a few of the emotions experienced when an agreement is broken. Those emotions, become part of a residual energy resulting from the trauma, and can be evoked whenever one encounter’s a similar experience. The consequence of locked emotions can lead to misaligned personalities, traumas surfacing when triggered, self-sabotage, and destructive behaviors. 

With awareness, an illuminated path toward balanced energy and healing follows. This is especially true with soul contracts. Upon their discovery, they can easily be acknowledged and completed with honor. The result would be freedom from the constraints of a contractual agreement. The only exception would be when the contract is held by two or more people, bringing free will into the equation. Facilitation of the other souls involved with releasing the contract would then be needed. 

You and your guides can help discover the existence of any soul contracts that can then be released, and the use of ceremony can boost the energy of completion or dissolution of the contract. From that new position of the release of energy, transformation occurs.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“We have soul contracts with every person in our lives to live in the vibration of truth.”

― Molly Friedenfeld, The Book of Simple Human Truths

 Angel Whispers –  Soul Contract