Angel Whispers – The Measure of Success

As a loving observer of human nature, my job offers daily excursions into the study that I love so much (tee hee). Some fairly consistent threads appear as part of our humanness. One of those relates to how we interpret or measure our own success. One type of person constantly raises the bar, so that they never reach their goals. The result is feeling unfulfilled with life, along with the occasional internal voice that says You’re a failure.

The second type of person easily meets their goals, yet believes their original goal was somehow not nearly lofty enough. Their internal chatter expresses they could have, and should have, done more. In effect, that type of judgment supports a perception of reaching the low standard measured by the goal itself which negates or reduces the measure of success. 

Another measure of success has nothing to do with goals, and that would be based on how you live your life and whether you are doing the things you love. Are you living with passion and does that count? We live under a cultural structure to measure an individual by their achievements, and this could be the root of the problem when it comes to measuring success! Let’s forget about goals and engage in passion, for a whisper on the measure of success:

The true measure of success is hidden from most individuals, which will support a false narrative within the ego mind. Only the enlightened being will be able to rise above the cultural expectations and the expressions of the majority to see the truth of their own existence. Success comes in many forms, but most measurements will come in the subtleness of one’s experiences. 

Emotions help to create a response to any situation, and the soul becomes a witness to all reactions. Both present and/or missing personality traits set the energetic vibrations linked to reactions. Even an omission in your actions, or to those around you, can be felt at deep levels. The soul must witness a response that shows some form of growth to feel successful.

Your measure of success should be carefully applied to any outcome, for it is the willingness to put your energy into the things you love in life that creates the highest level of success. False pride, ego judgments, and arrogance are behind the self-destructive forces that create false measurements. Fortify your existence with balanced viewpoints and truthful perspectives of your current reality.

Those who appear to measure up to the highest levels of success, according to society, are often the most unhappy people. Choose to be happy now, and your measurement of success will be felt at the core of your existence. Refuse to feel trapped by other people and circumstances. Learn to love your fellow humans, regardless of conditions. Finds ways to increase awareness with your connection to God or Source. Change the viewpoints that create negativity in your life and embrace your existence as the incredible opportunity that is at your core.

Love yourself first, and you will fall in love with your life. Teach love through example, and you will feel success that cannot possibly be measured.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“You may not understand issues that do not pertain to the heart, but be a master in areas that do. Nobody knows everything, and nobody can be a master of everything. Nobody was created perfect, and nobody should be measured according to perfection. It is the weight of your heart that matters the most in the end. All else is irrelevant.” 
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem 


 Angel Whispers – The Measure of Success