Angel Whispers – The Me First Movement

Division in our country has reached alarming levels. I came across the term ‘competitive reflex’ as I studied to reach some level of understanding the me first movement in our country. What is the competitive reflex? It is the preconscious, visceral impulse to oppose or outdo others, or to auto-react against perceived threats to one’s established sense of self. Our culture has become drenched with themes of conflict, thanks to popular movies, TV shows, digital games, and entertainment. How could we be entertained without a story that features the police, super-heroes, the military fighting terrorism, the lone avenger, and warriors?

It seems we love our politicians and celebrities to be self-aggrandizing and a bit narcissistic to gain popularity. There has to be a winner and a loser, a fight against good or evil, or determinations of right or wrong. Humility can bring freedom from the cultural norms of the me first movement in our country. A person who demonstrates humility in our society is some kind of freak of nature. (tee hee) A person with humility would be labeled a loser by most. To disconnect from the competitive reflex means behavior and reaction are for purpose, not for emotions. Humility is emotional neutrality, which means not being above or below others. Let’s see if there is more to glean on humility to avoid the me first movement:

The combination of early childhood detachment and family dysfunction has created a loss of empathy in the population. Children need love and acceptance to develop at their highest potential. To witness prejudice and bias coming from their parents and environment means a child is being imprinted with the energy of separation and hatred. If not taught the meaning of love without condition, the child can detach from the ability to develop empathy and compassion. At the highest level of unhealthy forms of detachment, you will find narcissism.

Abuse is widespread in human cultures across the world, which leads to issues of control and power. The response from a child who experiences some form of abuse is the suppression of natural expressions of love and avoidance of anything perceived as a threat. Vulnerability becomes an issue of survival, which evokes the ego that voices determinations regarding right or wrong. The ego mind assigns blame and justifies beliefs by making judgments related to situations and people under a black-and-white assessment of good versus evil.

In order to change any competitive reflex that is deeply engrained in the human psyche, awareness must be realized. Take notice when trying to outdo another person. Are you jealous of a friend who has new home or car? How do you respond to a person expressing pride? Do you feel an impulse to tell a better story, to point out a flaw, or to come up with a better idea? Are people with opposing views your enemy? Take a look at the emotional need to make something that goes viral. As your self-awareness increases, you create change around any emotional need to out-perform someone, to have something others don’t, or to be driven by emotions.

Demonstrating humility shows self-assuredness supported by healthy measures of high self-esteem. When you let go of the need to out-perform others, peace fills the heart. Emotional neutrality is one aspect of enlightenment that eliminates the me first mentality.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

Check out this article on conflict resolution.


“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

― Ernest Hemingway

 Angel Whispers – The Me First Movement