Angel Whispers – Decoding Emotions Through Touch

Touch as a transitive verb means to bring a bodily part into contact in order to perceive through the tactile sense. The second meaning is to handle or feel gently, usually with the intent to understand or appreciate. Touch used as a noun refers to one of the senses or a specified sensation that arises in response to stimulation of the tactile receptors.

Researchers have documented that complex emotions and desires are expressed through posture, motions, language, and physical movement. Yet until recently, the idea that people can impart and interpret emotional content via another nonverbal modality, such as touch, was largely unproven. In 2009 DePauw University psychologist Matthew Hertenstein used a volunteer study to demonstrate that people have an innate ability to decode emotions via touch alone.

Many were surprised to learn that 78% of the time, participants could accurately communicate the emotions of anger, fear, disgust, love, gratitude, sympathy, happiness, and sadness simply by using touch. The study produced the same results in different countries, indicating cultural influences didn’t change the way the brain interprets emotions, physical pressure, smoothness, and various qualities of information received by the sense of touch. Let’s practice being touched by an angel with a whisper on decoding emotions through human touch:

The sense of touch provides a transfer of energy which contains a language that speaks through channels of consciousness to reach the depth of the soul. The transmission that occurs with touch creates an exchange of essential life-force energy. Touch provides content that opens channels to experiencing emotions and decoding information. People are doing this constantly, with receptors acting as interpreters.

Self-awareness around the need for touch can lead to communication that brings understanding. Accepting that your sensitivities are part of the larger gift of personal expression is where decoding human emotions can begin to take meaningful form. Understanding the need or the lack thereof for human touch as part of an individual design can be helpful in addressing needs. Identifying with truth around personal needs grounds the spirit with energy flow to the heart. The flow of energy creates a non-verbal language that interprets emotions.

The desire and need for human touch is somewhat determined by certain energetic features that exist in the soul template for this lifetime. Individual human design determines the natural state of balance with regard to the major energy centers and their function. The soul path determines the key role that each system will fill in overall human design for this incarnation. If your life purpose is to learn lessons around relationships and emotions, you have a greater likelihood for the development of a strong need for touch and a strong sense of touch.

Filling a body system with life-force energy is essentially the same as any battery-sourced operation. From something as simple as a heart-to-heart hug, the body battery is recharged, replenished, expanded, and restored. The need for human touch will always vary from person to person. Conscious self-awareness leads to intentional living and the fulfillment of a meaningful life, influenced by using touch to decode human emotions.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“That’s what it feels like when you touch me. Like millions of tiny universes being born and then dying in the space between your finger and my skin. Sometimes I forget.” Iain Thomas

 Angel Whispers – Decoding Emotions Through Touch