Angel Whispers – Awareness or Consciousness?

Thanks, Sean, for bringing such a wonderful question up for a whisper. I love that you brought this to my awareness. Or was it my consciousness (tee hee)? My young neighbor Curtis, at the ripe old age of eight, told his mother: “Consciousness is being aware of the present moment and how you are in it.”

In psychology, consciousness is what separates humans from all other animals. Consciousness refers to being aware of our own mental processes, such as our thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Are we alone in this type of self-awareness or level of consciousness, with the ability to look inward and examine these processes? 

According to the dictionary, awareness is the state or condition of being aware (duh) or having knowledge. On the surface, it appears that awareness is one of the many branches on the tree of consciousness. The time has come to go deeper into the energy of the angelic realm for impressions, or a whisper, on the question of awareness or consciousness:

Awareness is mostly limited to the mental plane as it relates to your current incarnation, even though that dimension touches other aspects of your eternal existence. Consciousness is in every dimension of your being and emanates from your soul, or the essence of your energetic existence. Once your physical body ceases to exist, your spirit will also cease to exist. 

Your spirit is a product of this lifetime, yet your soul holds consciousness for an eternity and is not limited to the knowledge obtained in a single incarnation. Awareness and consciousness meet within an energetic overlap that is found only within the human experience. Growing your awareness is food for your consciousness. Consciousness holds the vibration of all your incarnations and matches your collective wisdom with incremental growth. 

Think of yourself as a consciousness masterpiece built over time with awareness. Like a basket that is woven with intention and care, the basket holds the energy of each experience as it is woven. Once complete, it holds all the goodness you can put in the cornucopia. Through the attainment of soulful wisdom, awareness of the spirit extends beyond time and space to create spiritual growth through experiences while occupying the human body.

When the spirit ceases to exist, a partial system is left as a reminder of the lessons of the past, and as a supporting energy to the overall consciousness. Every human energy system is supported by the energy of love that bonds all matter in the Universe. Your consciousness is a partial system of the entire fabric of the Cosmos, bringing balance, order, and harmony to the journey of your soul and to the evolution of a planet, a species, and a Universe. 

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it! 
Blessings, Russell

“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.” 
― Terence McKenna 


 Angel Whispers – Awareness or Consciousness?